Thursday, January 14, 2010

A little about me and CeeBee Designs

My names Nikkie and I am a SAHM (stay at home mum) to 2 wonderful children. After planning my wedding I realised just how ridiculous the pricing is of handmade invitations and cards, so I have made it my goal to provide people with cheaper, high quality invitations and cards.

I have always had a love for scrapbooking so this is a fantastic move for me. Things are starting off slow as I have only just got married so there went my savings! So very slowly building the business up but take advantage of our custom made invitation and card choice where you can send me either a pic or drawing of what you want and ill give you a quote on it!

The website is having a major overhaul this week so things will be down and moving around etc but feel free to check it out anyway - , lots of new stuff to come in the next few weeks its all very exciting!

Thanks for your support. xx


  1. Great Idea starting a blog for your business Nikkie hope it grows and grows really quickly for you. xoxo

  2. thank you and I too hope you get what you want from your candles (which those was it honeydew tealights) you gave me for christmas were devine!
